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You feel like you can’t keep up.

There’s just so much to manage with raising a child with extra needs. How can you possibly take care of yourself amidst such demand?

You could really use someone in your corner, someone who is just focused on supporting you.

Someone who can help you find your way forward into your own wellbeing and resilience as a parent or caregiver.

What would skills coaching with me look like?

STEP ONE: We’ll explore, discuss, and practice a range of simple skills for recovering and supporting your wellbeing and resilience in your parenting or caregiving work. Both skills you already have, and, skills that I offer.

STEP TWO: Then, you’ll bring those skills into your daily parenting and caregiving work.

STEP THREE: And over time, we’ll build and grow your resilience.

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I love to offer skills that are a ‘just right’ fit for you

  • Chosen to build on your strengths, personality, and goals.

  • Taught in a way that best matches how you naturally learn and integrate new habits.

  • Offered as a guided exercise, if you want. Then, you can learn the new skill in a more embodied and real-time way. And, figure out exactly how the skill best supports you, or not.

  • Compiled into your own personalized skills toolkit

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 The wellbeing and resilience skills that I offer

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Mindful Living

Based on my more than a decade of training in, and teaching mindfulness

Mindfulness is a natural part of being human, can be easily accessed, and can greatly improve one’s quality of life. Mindfulness can be key to resilience, especially in the face of personally challenging work, like parenting and caregiving

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Drawn from the Mindful Self-Compassion work of Kristin Neff and Chris Germer

“Research shows that self-compassion is one of the most powerful tools we have at our disposal to create health and happiness. Self-compassion motivates us to achieve our goals, cope with adversity, take responsibility for our actions, and care for others in a sustainable way.”


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Emotion Regulation

Based on the Skills System online training

“The Skills System is a user-friendly set of emotion regulation skills, designed to help people of various ages and abilities, manage emotions. Learning how to regulate emotions enables us to be present in the moment and be more effective–even in stressful situations.”


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Character Strengths

Based on the VIA Institute Character Strengths assessment and resources

“If we are conscious of our own strengths, we are more likely to recognize strengths in others, leading to more harmonious relationships which are especially needed during these challenging times.”


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How can skills coaching fit into your high demand life?

I approach each skills coaching session, as an important restorative and supportive time for you. Because you need it. And, it will allow you to learn new skills with ease.

  • Skills coaching is offered by recurring video call appointments. Know that you will be supported at the same time each week, and that you can join from bed. Book online now.

  • I offer scheduling flexility to make my coaching more accessible to parents and caregivers. I offer morning (8:45am, 10am, 11:15am, 12:30pm) or evening (7pm, 8:15pm) session times. The session time can be anywhere from 30-75 minutes long, weekly or biweekly. I also offer brief skills practice sessions for 15 minutes to further support you with integrating skills. Since your life may be too full to to practice skills on your own. Together, we can find a way for my coaching support to work with your life.

  • It’s not another thing to cram into your already full life, it is something that is consistently there to support you in gradually building your wellbeing and resilience. The length and frequency of your coaching sessions are based on your goals, and your schedule. The skills coaching sessions can be weekly or biweekly for four to twelve months, then slow down in frequency to monthly, with at least one six month final follow-up session. Regular support can go for as long as you need.

  • You will receive a concise toolkit with all of the skills you have learned and strengthened. This easy-to-use, and highly personalized toolkit, will include all of your wellbeing and resilience skills and all corresponding materials (i.e. recordings of the guided skills exercises, book page numbers, various documents you created, and more). This can serve as your simple go-to skills toolkit for years to come.


If you would like, you can read even more about the skills I offer

Skills sources for parent and caregiver wellbeing and resilience skills coaching



What parents and caregivers have to say about working with me

“What started as a 12-week commitment turned into nearly two years of weekly work together. I was skeptical at first, because like most parents of children with disabilities, “self-compassion” sounded selfish to me, much like “self-care.” Through our work together, Cedarose helped me to unravel all the layers of why I was hurting, tired, and sad much of the time, and taught me how to tap into my inner compassionate voice and use my own tools to heal emotionally. Her expertise and caring touched me beautifully, and instead of being contradictory to my deeply-held Christian values, the self-compassion work we did helped me to appreciate my faith even more. I learned how to acknowledge hard things in the moment and give myself a break, and also dug deep into core beliefs and how they affect me. I can’t recommend Cedarose enough if you feel exhausted and hopeless... she can’t change your difficult situation, but she can certainly empower you to get through hard things with strength and grace.”
— Military wife and mother of four young children, three of whom are neurodivergent


*Please note that the Children’s Long-Term Support (CLTS) waiver program in Dane County, LaCrosse County, and Columbia County covers this service for parents and unpaid caregivers. I could likely get a contract to provide this service in any other Wisconsin county. Make an appointment and we can start that process for your county.