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  • We will start to develop a vague idea of what you want to accomplish with wellbeing and resilience skills coaching. Then, we’ll decide together, if what I offer is a good match for your needs and goals. Then, we’ll figure out your recurring appointment time.

    1. Schedule a brief initial call here

    2. Email your child’s CLTS case manager for a service authorization to cover the cost for the skills coaching

    3. The week before starting skills coaching, complete the online paperwork

    1. Follow the signup link for an upcoming support group

    2. Complete the Google Form at the signup link

    3. Email your child’s CLTS case manager for a service authorization to cover the cost

  • Yes. I operate My Kindness Therapy, LLC (which is my business’s name) to be HIPAA compliant. For skills coaching I use SimplePractice, which is HIPPA compliant in every service they offer. For support groups I use Google Meet video conferencing, which is a secure format. My email, G Suite account (all my files), and Google Voice (phone) are all HIPPA compliant. My business bank account is securely protected as well.

  • Yes! My skills coaching, or support group services are available to anyone who is in a caregiver or parent role, including support professionals. My services can be paid for by withdrawal from a credit/debit card. Insurance does not cover my services. Please schedule a brief initial video call or complete the contact form to learn more.

  • If you are a parent, guardian, or in a primary caregiver role for a child who is in the Wisconsin CLTS program, then my skills coaching and support groups can be fully covered for you. I currently have a contract with Dane County, LaCrosse County, and Columbia County. I could likely get a contract to provide this service in any other Wisconsin county. Book online and we can start that process for your county.

    For family caregivers who support grown ups who have disabilities, you can talk to a Caregiver Program Coordinator at ADRC about getting either of my services covered by the Wisconsin’s Family Caregiver’s Support Program.